Things i want...

Well today i am going today i am mad because my birthday is coming up and what i want for my birthday is an itouch but my parents say they cant afford it and i've been asking for it since it came out and now i am asking my brother to buy it and he says that if he hasn't buy it for him what makes me think that he is going to buy it for me and i am pissed off because i really want it but oh well i guess i have to wait until i have my own money and buy it. Another thing is that i want to go to D.R on December because i have 7 years of my life that i don't spend a christmas and new year in my beautiful country and there is more fun than in this boring country were I spend Christmas in my house freezing to death,but no in D.R is different there is fireworks, and lots of parties and you are out hanging around until you feel like it because in Christmas there they let you do almost anything you want.(AT LEAST MY PARENTS DO) so i like it there better. Well i don't even know if i go because the flights to go in december are going to be like $1,200 but will see.
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